
We are located in South East Fort Worth, if you have a girl or boy interested in playing baseball please fill out the prospective player form. 

Welcome to ABG SPORTS Academy

The ABG Sports Academy is a non-profit organization with the mission to empower Fort Worth youth ages 6-18 through boys and girls baseball, with an emphasis on playing the game and understanding the rules that are in baseball.  We are more than just playing the game we are looking to give youth opportunities to be the leaders of tomorrow.  The vision for the Academy is to become the epicenter for youth baseball in South East Fort Worth youth. 

Wonders Program

Our Wonders program is designed to cover the basic mechanics and skills of the game, including hitting, fielding, and base running as well as individual field positions. Players of all skill levels are welcome to join but are very beneficial to players new to the game.  


Throughout the year, a variety of clinics will be held at the Academy to introduce and enhance the skills of athletes at all levels. The aim of clinics is to also increase participation and interest in baseball and softball as lifelong activities.

Required to try out:  Fill out the prospective player form HERE Our organization is looking to develop top-level players who are looking to take their game to the next level with aspirations to play past high school.  Our plan is to create an environment where athletes can train and play properly in order to advance their skills and playing abilities. We will use both traditional baseball training as well as technology to monitor players’ advancement at ABG Sports – utilizing Rapsodo Pitching / Hitting, Pulse, and Blast Baseball for Player Tracking will track player season and game stats, year by year, game by game.